The Secret to Happiness is Freedom... And the Secret to Freedom is Courage
The globe is talking about the importance of freedom. But are we in alignment with the elements of nature when we talk about this. All our problems today exist because we have taken freedom for granted. Wherever we are do we really care for people and things around us? Do we feel the need to be a part of solution to make this world a better place? It's time we look beyond ourselves and see the larger picture, where 'Freedom is synonymous to Responsibility'. Are we ready to take the road in this direction or are we selfishly looking at petty things and fighting for Rights; the other side of which is Duty. Let's watch out for values like Empathy, Sensitivity and Mindful Attitude to initiate change. There are vicious ideas like corruption, communalism and politics that is taking the better out of us. Ensure that we are a part of the team that will ring in a Bright Future for our children and pass on a legacy of honest practices. We need to curb our greed of exploiting ...
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