
Showing posts from July, 2018

Stress Management

“Set Peace of Mind as your highest Goal,  and organize your life around it…” Now-a-days stress is a common factor for each and everyone in this world. Stress affects your health in many ways that you may not be aware of, from headaches to insomnia to decreased productivity. Stress may impact your mood, your behaviour, our work or your studies. In short, stress can affect every aspect of your life. In fact, most of the diseases are caused due to stress. Migraine is the worst thing a person can ever experience. These things affect us a lot in life. Due to increased competition in this world, from small children to senior citizens everyone is hit by the stress bomb. Maintaining your health and managing stress should be your first priority in life. People suggest everyone to relax when they are stressed. But we people don’t have time for it. The main reason is that we don’t give priority to our body. For example if we burn a candle from both the ends, the candle will burn out c...

Esha Hulsogi (8/C) Artwork


"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever" !!!

Dear Parents, School is the stage where all the future talent is groomed. We at DSRB want all our students to explore their deepest feelings and use school as a Canvas to make their Life - "Picture Perfect" In this endevour we are beginning our School Blog "Vibrance" to give a Platform to our Starlets. The name Vibrance for our blog has its own thought. Students in all their expressions show a strong sense of belonging to school and exuberate positive energy. Hence we chose to name our Blog "Vibrance" that represents our students best. They will amaze you with their creative genius in all spheres of artistic perspective. So get ready to enjoy the Marvels of our Students! Hope Vibrance will add vivacity to your life too!! Beena Thaker - Head - Secondary

A Journey of a thousand miles Begins with a single step!

  It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to our school blog! We, the members of student council for the academic year 2018-19, will put in our best efforts to make this year a fruitful one. We aim at building a positive school environment and will ensure that the students will enjoy and learn a lot through the student council activities planned for them. This year the student council has taken the initiative to start the Student PEACE Code. ‘PEACE Code’ means ‘Positive Engagement And a Collaborative Environment’ .  The PEACE Code is a guideline for all students on how to manage their behaviour so that it does not cause hurt or offense to anyone, and provides a stress-free environment for all students. Thus, the new academic year has begun bringing in enthusiasm. I wish you all good luck and I am sure that your hard work and determination will lead you on the path of success! ADITI NAIR - School Captain (10th/A)


As time has passed by, our needs and greeds have changed. Imagine if trees gave off Wi-Fi signals and bore smartphones as fruits, we would be planting trees everywhere - so many that we would be successful in saving the planet… but unfortunately the trees only produce oxygen which we breathe to survive. So now here the question arises ‘Are we living on Wi-Fi and technology or oxygen?’  ‘The environment is everything that is not me!’ perfectly said by Albert Einstein. The environment-air, water, sunlight, land, plants -is what makes existence possible on earth for living beings. When the earth was home to the first ever life, its magnificence was ineffable – vast green jungles, abundance of flora and fauna, fertile land, purest air, crystal clear waters and perfect temperatures. We humans are also a part of the animal family but the ability to think practically and the freedom to speak makes us different from them. But we have somehow misused our freedom and abilities only f...

Students Artwork

-SANIA SHIRAMBEKAR Assistant Samvedan House Captain (8th/B) -SRISHTI ATHREYA Samvedan House Captain (9th/D)

School life is the best life!

  This is because life is all about learning something new. School gives us a platform to do so. It is an essential part of human life as it is a place where we create nostalgic memories. Everyone has different stories about their first day at school. Some winning, some really happy, some excited some scared and some with all kinds of mixed emotions. Then year after year getting promoted to the next grade and thinking about what will be new, having fun with friends, quarreling sometimes but then coming along together again - these are all beautiful moments of our school life. School is a place where we have fun at times and also be disciplined when required. School is a place where a student is prepared for the outer world and also taught what duties the student needs to play as a responsible citizens. Some of us might feel that what is the need of getting up early every morning to come all the way to school, but this is one way through which we learn the meaning of discipl...

Students Artwork

- RACHANA JADHAV School Vice Captain (Grade 10)   - SAKSHI YERUNKAR Assistant Abhay House Captain (8th/B)